
Downloadable Drivers

USB 2.0 Serial Adapter (E07-160)

This USB serial adapter is a Plug and Play device—restart the power of your system and wait until it go to the idle state (eg: after it's all powered up and the initializing software is executed) then plug this adapter into any available USB port. The system should automatically install the driver for you. While in self-start mode, the lower right hand side of the installation screen will display "Found new device", "Installing new driver", "Driver for new device is successful installed", or something similar, usually taking about 2-3 minutes to finish. If your system cannot self install the driver, then you can manually download the correct driver below for installation.

Prolific PL2303-TA chipset—up to Windows 8


Prolific PL2303-HXA chipset (retired in 3/2013)—(up to Windows 7)

USB 2.0 Dual Serial Adapter (E07-162)

This USB serial adapter is a Plug and Play device—restart the power of your system and wait until it go to the idle state (eg: after it's all powered up and the initializing software is executed) then plug this adapter into any available USB port. The system should automatically install the driver for you. While in self-start mode, the lower right hand side of the installation screen will display "Found new device", "Installing new driver", "Driver for new device is successful installed", or something similar, usually taking about 3-5 minutes to finish installation for two serial ports. If your system cannot self install the driver, then you can manually download the correct driver below for installation.

MCS7820 chipset

 Knowledge Base